Lab-Grown Diamonds vs. Natural Diamonds: A Comprehensive Comparison
For centuries, diamonds have dazzled us with their captivating beauty and long-standing tradition of love. But the latest competitor has shown up in lab grown diamonds. With the help of modern technology, we can create diamonds that are nearly identical to those found in nature. This is an educational piece on the differences between lab grown diamonds and natural mined diamonds, so you can become a smart consumer when buying your next sparkly investment.

Where Do They Come From?
Natural Diamonds:
Natural diamonds are grown deep in the mantle of Earth taking million years to form. They are brought to the surface via volcanic eruptions, and in areas known as kimberlite pipes, where they can be extracted.
Lab Grown Diamonds:
But on the other manmade lab grown diamonds are created in controlled environments through two main processes: High Pressure-High Temperature (HPHT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). These processes mimic normal conditions that make diamonds, just at a faster pace.
How Much Do They Cost?
Natural Diamonds:
Natural diamonds are typically very expensive! The price of mining, shipping them around and their quite rarity, especially in the larger sizes can go through the roof.
Lab Grown Diamonds:
The diamonds grown in a lab are usually 40 to 60% cheaper than their natural version. Which is why they are a great choice also if you want to do some nice jewellery without spending too much.

Natural Diamonds:
Environmental problems caused by natural diamond mining. This type of processing leads to such global environmental consequences as: Habitat destruction; Soil erosion; Pollution. Not to mention the sheer carbon footprint of them being mined for and transported.
Lab Grown Diamonds:
But lab grown diamonds have only a fraction of the environmental cost. They require less energy and water, are affordable to make, and when produced with renewable energy resources they become much more environmentally friendly. Now you have a diamond with your conscience feels clear!
Quality and Purity

Natural Diamonds:
For its rarity and intricate beauty, natural diamonds are priceless. A carat weight, cut, color and clarity. Note: Natural diamonds may have impurities and inclusions which could make the stone less attractive.
Lab Grown Diamonds: According to the most reputable grading scales in the world, lab grown diamonds are consistently on par with mined stones. At times, they can have lesser impurities in them which allows lab grown diamonds to be cleaner and clear than some natural diamonds. If you are hoping for a perfect stone, something lab grown may be ideal!
What About Ethics?

What About Ethics?

Natural Diamonds:
The diamond mining industry has long had a bad reputation, with lots of ethical issues from unsafe conditions to violence in the mines.
Some interpret lab grown diamonds as the ethical option. All produced in safe, controlled environments for you to shop with a little more peace of mind.
Q: Do lab grown diamonds count as real?
A: Absolutely! Lab grown diamonds are actual real diamonds. This is because they have identical physical, chemical and optical properties as natural diamonds.
Q: How do you distinguish between stones created in lab and those mined naturally?
A: Not with the naked eye! Many of the time it would take an experienced gemmologist with special equipment to realize their differences in structure.
Q: Lab grown diamonds can only be clear right?
A: Yes! One of the lab grown diamonds that you can have custom made for anyone in a white, blue, pink and so on. Each one has its own colors which are intrinsic to them because of some specific trace elements added during their formation.
Q: How tough are man-made diamonds compared to natural ones?
A: Lab grown diamonds (even though you might know them as man-made or synthetic) are just like natural diamonds and also boast a 10 on the Mohs scale of hardness.
Q: Do I want to buy an engagement ring made with a lab grown diamond?
A: Absolutely! Lab grown diamonds are now a top choice for engagement rings because they offer amazing beauty, affordability and come without the ethical guilt facto They shine just like real diamonds!
Ultimately, lab grown and natural diamonds are not one-size-fits-all. There is something irresistible about natural diamonds. For instance, lab grown diamonds are more affordable as well as ethical — a win-win. No matter what you decide, you will have a stunning gem to appreciate!